An unexpected journey into Microsoft Defender's signature World


Microsoft Defender is the endpoint security solution preinstalled on every Windows machine since Windows 7. It's a fairly complex piece of software, addressing both EDR and EPP use cases. As such, Microsoft markets two different products. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is a cloud based endpoint security solution that combines sensor capabilities with the advantages of a cloud processing. Microsoft Defender Antivirus (MDA), on the other hand, is a modern EPP enabled by default on any fresh Windows installation. MDA is the focus of this analysis.

Because of its widespread adoption, MDA has been an interesting target of security researchers for quite a while. Given its size and complexity though, each analysis tends to focus on a specific component. For instance, some research targeted the emulator [WindowsOffender], others the minifilter driver [WdFilter1], and others the ELAM driver [WdBoot]. Further research was focused on the signature file format [WdExtract], while one of the most recent studies targeted the signature update system [Pretender].

In this blog post, we will continue working on the MDA signatures, more specifically we focus on:

  • The signature database
  • The loading process of the signatures
  • The types and layout of different signatures
  • A detailed discussion on two signature types: PEHSTR and PEHSTR_EXT

The goal of RETooling is to provide the best tools for offensive teams. Adversary emulation is nowadays becoming an important practice for many organizations. In this context, understanding the inner workings of security products is crucial to replicate threat actors activities safely and reliably.

1-Jul-2024 Update : We gave a workshop on MDA signatures at Recon 2024. You can access the workshop materials at our GitHub repository: workshop-recon24.

Microsoft Defender Antivirus Architecture

Figure 1. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus (MDA) Architecture

The MDA product is composed of modules running both in kernel and user mode. The overview is depicted in Figure 1. The first component which is loaded is the WdBoot.sys. This is the ELAM driver that checks the integrity of the system during the early stages of the system boot. It is loaded before any other third party driver and it scans each loaded driver image before its DriverEntry is invoked. For the detection it uses its own set of signatures that are stored on a special registry Value Key ( HKLM\ELAM\Microsoft Antimalware Platform\Measured) which is not accessible after the ELAM driver is unloaded.

The Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service main responsibility is to start the main MDA executable, namely MsMpEng.exe . Such process is executed with EPROCESS.Protection equal to AntimalwareLight (0x31) thanks to the WdBoot certification. MsMpEng is a relatively small (~300K) executable which loads the following bigger components that implement most of the logic:

  • MsRtp: it manages the Real-time protection
  • MpSvc: it loads and manages the main component MpEngine
  • MpEngine: is the biggest component (~19 MB). It implements scanners, emulators, modules, signature loading from the VDM file and signature handling.

MpCmdRun is an external command line tool that uses the MpClient library to interact with the main service. MpClient is an auxiliary library that implements a bunch of RPC requests for the service (to get the configuration or to request a scan). Last but not least, there is the WdFilter.sys, the main kernel space component of the MDA architecture. It monitors the access to the filesystem by registering as minifilter driver, it registers notification routines (image load, process creation, object access etc.) and more.

The analysis was performed on the product version 1.1.23100 (October 2023 release) and the signature version 1.401.1166.0​.

The signature database

The MDA signatures are distributed in four different .vdm files:

  • mpavbase.vdm: released with platform updates (typically once per month), contains the anti-malware signatures
  • mpasbase.vdm: released with platform updates (typically once per month), contains the anti-spyware signatures
  • mpavdlta.vdm: released on a daily basis, contains only the new signatures that are merged in memory with mpavbase.vdm when the database is loaded at runtime
  • mpasdlta.vdm: released on a daily basis, contains only the new signatures that are merged in memory with mpasbase.vdm when the database is loaded at runtime

Those files are located in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\<RandomGUID>\ .

Figure 2. The `RMDX` resource

Both mpavbase.vdm and mpasbase.vdm are Portable Executable files, containing a resource with the compressed signatures inside. Such resource has a global header which starts with a magic value equal to RMDX.

The Figure 2 represents the global header. The uint32 field at offset 0x18 from the beginning of the resource contains the relative offset (0x130 in figure) which points to the the payload. Indeed, after 8 bytes from this point, the compressed data buffer starts.

At offset 0x40 the global header has an array of DWORD. Each DWORD is split in two parts: the most significant byte (in yellow) represents the signature type whereas the remaining three bytes (in purple) represent the number of signature of that type in reverse byte order.

The payload starting at offset 0x138 is compressed with the gzip algorithm and can be extracted with the following python code.

import zlib​

compressed = open('x.gz', 'rb').read()​
decompressed = zlib.decompress(compressed, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)​​

Start your MpEngine

The core logic of the MDA is located into the MpEngine.dll. The engine is loaded by the MpSvc.dll in the MpSvc!LoadEngine function which invokes the MpSvc!InitEngineContext. Here the MpEngine.dll is loaded though  ​KernelBase!LoadLibraryExW​ and the address of one of the core functions that allows the service to complete the initialization of the engine is retrieved: the export mpengine!__rsignal. Roughly speaking, the rsignal function is essentially a wrapper of the function mpengine!DispatchSignalOnHandle which calls the function corresponding to the input parameter signal_id.

Here is the prototype of the function:

UINT64 DispatchSignalOnHandle(
                PVOID g_hSignalptr, 
                UINT64 signal_id, 
                BYTE *pParams, 
                SIZE_T cbParams

To trigger the initialization of the MpEngine, the MpSvc!InitEngineContext invokes the rsignal function as follows:


Where the parameters are described below:

  • pMpengineCtx->hMpEngineInstance: is an output parameter that receives the handle to the initialized engine
  • the 0x4036 is the signal_id for an initialization request
  • the pParams points to the initialization parameters
  • the cbParams is the size of pParams in bytes

The MpEngine function that corresponds to the signal 0x4036 is the StartMpEngine. This function recursively calls DispatchSignalOnHandle with the following relevant signal ids:

  • 0x4019: triggers the execution of the InitializeMpEngine which is in charge of initializing a core data structure named gktab. The gktab is huge (0x15bb0 bytes!) and contains tens of fields, however the first (and probably one of the most relevant ones) is the pointer to the function ksignal which implements the majority of signal_id-related functionalities (more than 50)
  • 0x401a: invokes the ksignal and dispatch function to manage defender exclusions​
  • 0x400b: invokes the ksignal function to call the modprobe_init function where the modules’ initialization happens

MpEngine Modules Initialization

The MpEngine contains a lot of modules (named AutoInitModules). Some of them are used to introduce the support for specific file formats such as PE, ELF, Mach-O and implement specialized scanners (that are registered during the initialization through the ScanRegister function) and others implement auxiliary functionalities, such as signature loaders.

Such modules are referenced by the global array g_pUniModEntries. Each entry is a struct of type unimod_entry_t :

struct unimod_entry_t
    PCHAR pModuleName;
    PVOID pfnInit;
    PVOID pfnCleanup;
    __int64 Unk;

Where pModuleName is a human readable name of the module, the pfnInit is a pointer to the initialization function and pfnCleanup points to the cleanup function. The last field is typically 0 or 1 but we did not care much about it.

As described earlier the MpSvc!InitEngineContext calls the __rsignal function with several signal_id and one of those is the one that triggers the execution of the modprobe_init function which will be described in the remaining part of this section.

The modprobe_init function operates in three main phases:

  1. Preloading of the Signature Databases

    • This phase involves parsing the main header and initializing necessary data structures.
    • This is achieved by calling the mpengine!preload_database function.
  2. Execution of the Initialization Functions

    • The initialization functions of all the AutoInitModules are called.
    • This is done by looping over all the entries in the unimod_entry_t of the g_pUniModEntries and calling the pfnInit function for each entry.
  3. Finalization of the Signature Loading Process

    • The final phase involves completing the signature loading process.
    • This is done by calling the mpengine!load_database function.

Making a comprehensive description of all the modules would require an enormous amount of work. As such, for our purposes we will focus only on two of them: the cksig and the pefile.

The cksig Module

The cksig module falls in the category of signature loaders and it is initialized within the mpengine!cksig_init_module. In this phase of the init process, the database has not been loaded yet. Since the semantics of each signature is different from the other, the engine has a dedicated loader for each type of signature. A designated function reads the body of the signature and loads it into memory. A module that wants to handle a specific signature format must register a callback with the engine.

To support this process, if a module wants to handle a specific signature format it must register a callback with the engine. Later, when the signature loading process is finalized (Phase 3), the callback will be invoked for each record loaded from the VDM file.

As far as we know there are two functions to register a callback: mpengine!RegisterForDatabaseRecords and mpengine!regcntl. The mpengine!RegisterForDatabaseRecords function takes in input the address of a global variable that receives the handle to a signature type and the loader callback.

The regcntl takes in input a hstr_handler object defined as follows:

struct __declspec(align(8)) hstr_handler
    UINT64 (__stdcall *pfn_push)(UINT64, UINT16 *, UINT64, UINT64, UINT32);
    UINT64 pHstrSigs;
    UINT8 hstr_type;
    UINT64 (__stdcall *pfn_pushend)(UINT64);
    UINT64 (__stdcall *pfn_unload)(UINT64);
    PVOID pHstrSigs2;

where the pfn_push is the function pointer to the handler of signature of type hstr_type. The pHstrSigs and the pHstrSigs2 point to signature records for the current hstr_type. The pfn_pushend and pfn_unload are other two functions part of the signature handling that are not covered by this post.

The cksig module uses both RegisterForDatabaseRecords and regcntl to register two different groups of signatures. We will focus on the latter because it targets the HSTR signatures. The initialization of the second group is done within the pattsearch_init subroutine (invoked by cksig_init_module) which set the callbacks for a specific signature family named HSTR. Such family includes the following signature types:


In order to set this new group of handlers for the HSTR signature family, it first computes the number of records and allocates a contiguous memory area of 0x14 * hstr_total_cnt (line 148 of the disassembled code below shows the example for the PEHSTR sub-family).

Figure 3. The decompiled version of the function `mpengine!pattsearch_init`

The ESTIMATED_RECORDS function takes in input the signature type and returns the number of signature present in the VDM for that signature type (namely signature 0x61 , 0x78 and 0x85 in figure). Remember that the information on the number of records per signature type is stored into the global header of the VDM (before the compressed data), so it is available after the preloading phase.

The example in Figure 3 uses the regcntl function to register the callback. The handler for the specific hstr type is passed in input (hstr_push, hstr_push_ext, hstr_push_ext2 in figure)

Notably, all the PEHSTR point to the same hstr.pHstrSigs. This is not true for other types of HSTR signatures. We also found references to dynamic HSTR signatures that are probably related to Microsoft Active Protection Service (MAPS) (aka cloud delivered protection) but we did not investigate that part.

Figure 4. Memory layout of record numbers and signature handlers

Figure 4 represents how the record numbers and the signature handlers are stored in memory within the gktab data structure. The first part is an array of DWORD each containing the number of records for a given signature and, starting from offset 0x800, we can observe a second array containing pointers to struct hstr_handler.

Completing the signature loading process

So far we talked about the preloading and the initialization phases of the modprobe_init function. In order to make the MDA signature subsystem up and running one last step must be completed. This is done in the mpengine!load_database function which invokes the mpengine!DispatchRecords function. Here, each entry of the VDM is processed and, based on the signature type, the signature payload is dispatched to the handler for that signature type (registered by the CKSIG module in the previous step).

pefile_module and the hstr_internal_search

This pefile_module module belongs to the scanners type. Indeed one of the first action invoked during its initialization is to call mpengine!ScanRegister. The first parameter is a function pointer which implements the actual scan (pefile_scan for the pefile module).

Whenever a PE file scan is triggered, in order to match the signature with the HSTR signatures, the hstr_internal_search is invoked. We noticed two different call stacks: one that goes through the mpengine!scan_vbuff and the other that goes through mpengine!scan_vmem. This is probably due to the fact that the scan can be triggered multiple times during the emulation. The hstr_internal_search finds the right file type offset base within the g_HstrSigs array (which is 0 for PE files) and than calls the hstr_internal_search_worker that implements the actual search.

Signature stats

Before delving into the signature type analysis we report few stats on the different signature types that are present into the VDM file. To have an idea of signature distribution we wrote a simple python script that parses the VDM and counts the number of signatures by types.

Signature count

We noticed that the SIGNATURE_TYPE_KCRCE is by far the most frequent with more than 338k signatures. Indeed, even by stacking all the HSTR family signature types together we don't even reach 100k signatures. Far below the KCRCE.

However, by looking at the number of occurrences per threat, things changes significantly. By occurrences we mean that we set a bit to one if a given signature type appears on a given threat and 0 otherwise. In other words, we do not consider the actual number of signature but we look at their distribution.

Signature Occurrences

As the histogram shows, the PEHSTR_EXT moved very close to the KCRCE. If we sum the PEHSTR_* signatures together, we get a greater value than the KCRCE alone. Indeed if we look at the distribution of the KCRCE signature we notice that the 20% of the threats account for a very high percentage of the KCRCE signatures. Whereas the PEHSTR are much more evenly distributed.

PEHSTR vs KCRCE signature distribution

Starting from the analysis of the signature distribution we decided to focus on the HSTR, and particularly on the PEHSTR .

Let's take a closer look at them!

Signature main struct

The signatures contained in mpavbase.vdm and mpasbase.vdm follow a hierarchical composition structure. This structure organizes the threat signatures in a specific manner. Each threat, representing a particular type of malware, is defined by a set of one or more signatures. These signatures are used to identify and detect the presence of the corresponding threat.

The organization of threats and their associated signatures within the files is delineated, in turn, by a specific types of signatures.. The beginning of a threat's signature set is marked by SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_BEGIN, while the end of the set is marked by SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_END. These delimiters enclose the collection of signatures that collectively define and identify a particular threat.

The conceptual structure of how threats and their signatures are organized within these files is depicted in Figure 5. The figure provides a visual representation of the hierarchical composition, illustrating how threats are defined by multiple signatures and how these signatures are grouped together using the designated begin and end markers.

Figure 5. Threat layout inside signature files.

For example, Figure 6 shows an entire threat actor with name Plugx.C, containing various signatures used to detect it. In between the SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_BEGIN and SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_END there are three different signatures, in order:

  • SIGNATURE_TYPE_STATIC: highlighted in green;
  • SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT: highlighted in blue;
  • SIGNATURE_TYPE_KCRCE: highlighted in violet;

Figure 6: Plugx.C signatures example.

By employing this hierarchical composition approach, Microsoft Defender Antivirus can effectively manage and maintain a comprehensive database of threat signatures. This allows for efficient detection and protection against a broad spectrum of security threats.

Windows Defender signatures follow a common structure defined as:

    UINT8  ui8SignatureType;  
    UINT8  ui8SizeLow;  
    UINT16 ui16SizeHigh;  
    BYTE   pbRuleContent[];

In this structure:

  • ui8SignatureType specifies the type of the signature.
  • ui8SizeLow indicates the lower byte size of the signature.
  • ui16SizeHigh represents the higher byte size of the signature.
  • pbRuleContent[] contains the rule content, with the total size calculated as: ui8SizeLow | (ui16SizeHigh << 8).


A threat actor is represented in this context as a sequence of different types of signatures used to detect it. These signatures are contained between the two aforementioned types.

The signatures SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_BEGIN and SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_END are not simple markers but contain different information.

SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_BEGIN has the following structure:

    UINT8  ui8SignatureType;
    UINT8  ui8SizeLow;
    UINT16 ui16SizeHigh;
    UINT32 ui32SignatureId;
    BYTE   unknownBytes1[6];
    UINT8  ui8SizeThreatName;
    BYTE   unknownBytes2[2];
    CHAR   lpszThreatName[ui8SizeThreatName];
    BYTE   unknownBytes3[9];


  • ui8SignatureType: a hexadecimal code defining the type of signature (0x05C).
  • ui8SizeLow: the low part of the size of the entire signature.
  • ui16SizeHigh: the high part of the size of the entire signature.
  • ui32SignatureId: the identifier of the signature, used by mpengine.dll.
  • unknownBytes1: six unknown bytes.
  • ui8SizeThreatName: represents the size in bytes of the threat name.
  • unknownBytes2: two unknown bytes.
  • lpszThreatName: a string representing the threat name.
  • unknownBytes3: nine unknown bytes.

An example of the SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_BEGIN is shown in Figure 7:

Figure 7: Plugx.C `SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_BEGIN` example.

STRUCT_SIG_TYPE_THREAT_END has the generic signature format:

typedef struct _STRUCT_SIG_TYPE_THREAT_END {
  UINT8  ui8SignatureType; 
  UINT8  ui8SizeLow; 
  UINT16 ui16SizeHigh; 
  BYTE   pbRuleContent[];

where ui8SignatureType has the value 0x5D, and the pbRuleContent value is the same as the corresponding ui32SignatureId used in SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_BEGIN.

Figure 8: Plugx.C `SIGNATURE_TYPE_THREAT_END` breakdown.


The SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR and SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT are used to detect malicious Portable Executable (PE) files, where detection is based solely on byte and string matching.

Both of these signature types are composed of:

  • A header
  • One or more sub-rules

Each sub-rule has a specific weight, and the sum of all the matching sub-rules' weights must be greater than or equal to the rule's threshold value to trigger the detection.

Figure 9: `SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR` breakdown breakdown.

To implement this mechanism, both SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR and SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT share a common header structure:

typedef struct _STRUCT_PEHSTR_HEADER {
  UINT16  ui16Unknown;
  UINT8   ui8ThresholdRequiredLow;
  UINT8   ui8ThresholdRequiredHigh;
  UINT8   ui8SubRulesNumberLow;
  UINT8   ui8SubRulesNumberHigh;
  BYTE    bEmpty;
  BYTE    pbRuleData[];


  • ui16Unknown: the purpose of this field is unknown.
  • ui8ThresholdRequiredLow: the low part of the threshold required to trigger a detection.
  • ui8ThresholdRequiredHigh: the high part of the threshold required to trigger a detection.
  • ui8SubRulesNumberLow: the low part of the number of sub-rules that compose this signature.
  • ui8SubRulesNumberHigh: the high part of the number of sub-rules that compose this signature.
  • pbRuleData[]: contains all the sub-rules used for detection.

For SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT, the sub-rules have the following structure:

typedef struct _STRUCT_RULE_PEHSTR_EXT {
  UINT8  ui8SubRuleWeightLow;
  UINT8  ui8SubRuleWeightHigh;
  UINT8  ui8SubRuleSize;
  UINT8  ui8CodeUnknown;
  BYTE   pbSubRuleBytesToMatch[];


  • ui8SubRuleWeightLow: the low part of the weight of the sub-rule in the detection process.
  • ui8SubRuleWeightHigh: the high part of the weight of the sub-rule in the detection process.
  • ui8SubRuleSize: specifies the size of the byte string to match against a given PE.
  • pbSubRuleBytesToMatch[]: the bytes that must be found to trigger a detection.

The SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR has the same structure except for the presence of ui8CodeUnknown.

Additionally, SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR can contain sub-rules with readable strings, while SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT can contain byte sequences.

The following image shows an example of a SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR:

Figure 10: Darby.A `SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR` breakdown.

To trigger the detection of Darby.A, a threshold of at least 0x33 must be reached. The first five sub-rules have a weight (green field in the figure) of 0x0A, and the last four sub-rules have a weight of 0x01.

Any PE containing the bytes from the first five sub-rules (all with a weight of 0x0A) and at least one of the last four sub-rules (with a weight of 0x01) will meet the threshold of 0x33 and be detected.

Using the tool MpCmdRun.exe, the detection can be verified:

Figure 11: `SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR` detection example.

If even one single byte of a sub-rule is missing from the PE, detection will not occur. In the following picture, the modified byte is highlighted in blue:

Figure 12: `SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR` no detection example.

However, it's important to note that such rules, based solely on byte and string matching, are relatively easy to bypass. For that reason, a lot of wildcards have been introduced to make the rules stronger and more flexible.

Pattern to implement wildcards

All wildcard rules start with a byte 0x90, followed by a second byte that identifies its "type", and then more bytes that define it. Patterns from 90 01 to 90 20 are used to implement wildcards within the SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT parsing algorithm.

The following patterns will be explained in the next sections:

  • 90 01 XX
  • 90 02 XX
  • 90 03 XX YY
  • 90 04 XX YY
  • 90 05 XX YY

Pattern 90 01 XX

The pattern 90 01 XX is used to match a sequence of bytes of a specific length, defined by the quantity XX.

In the next figure, the sub-rules related to the Plugx.A signature are shown:

Figure 13: Example of pattern `90 01 XX`.
There are two sequences of the pattern `90 01 01`, highlighted in blue within the same sub-rule. In both positions, exactly one byte of any value is expected.

An example of detection for the rule depicted in Figure 14.

Figure 14: PE containing `Plugx.A` sub-rules with `90 01 XX` pattern.

The Yara representation for the sub-rule can be written as follows:

rule Pattern_90_01_example
       $sub_rule_3_hex = { 45 78 69 74 C7 85 ?? FF FF FF 54 68 72 65 66 C7 85 ?? 04 FF FF FF 61 64 }


Pattern 90 02 XX

The pattern 90 02 XX is used as a placeholder to match up to XX bytes in a specific position.

As with the pattern 90 01 XX, an example of the pattern 90 02 XX from a sub-rule found within the Plugx.A threat is shown in Figure 15: The pattern identified by 90 02 10 matches up to 16 bytes in that position.

Figure 15: Example of pattern `90 02 XX` which triggers the detection as PlugX.A

The Yara counterpart for the above sub-rule can be written as follows:

rule Pattern_90_02_example
       $sub_rule_2_hex = { 75 61 6C 41 C7 [0-16] 6C 6C 6F 63 }

Pattern 90 03 XX YY

The pattern 90 03 XX YY is followed by two consecutive sequences of bytes whose lengths are defined by XX and YY. The expected bytes to be found must match one of the two sequences. An example is depicted in Figure 17:

Figure 16: Example of pattern `90 03 XX YY` with string sequences.

In Figure 16, the example is related to the Banker.YB threat, where the pattern allows the choice of one of two strings, "CIPA" or "VIPA".

The pattern 90 03 XX YY can also deal with general byte sequences, as shown in Figure 17:

Figure 17: Example of pattern `90 03 XX YY` with byte sequences.

The pattern can be described using the following Yara rule:

rule Pattern_90_03_example
       $sub_rule_1_hex = { 50 6f 6c 69 63 69 65 73 5c 45 78 70 6c 6f 72 65 72 5c 52 75 6e 22 20 2f 76 20 22 (43 49 50 41|56 49 50 41) 22 20 2f 64 20 43 3a 5c 55 6e 6e 69 73 74 74 61 6c 6c 2e 65 78 65 20 2f 74 20 22 52 45 47 5f 53 5a 22 20 2f 66 00 90 00 }

The following PE part will trigger the Banker.YB detection:

Figure 18: Example of PE containing bytes for the pattern `90 03 XX YY` which triggers the detection of threat `Banker.YB`.

Pattern 90 04 XX YY

The pattern 90 04 XX YY is a placeholder for a regex-like expression, where XX represents the exact number of bytes that must be found, and YY represents the length of the regex-like pattern. An example of this pattern can be found in Figure 19:

Figure 19: Example of pattern `90 04 XX YY`.

More complex patterns can contain the exact characters to match:

Figure 20: Example of longer pattern `90 04 XX YY`.

In Figure 19 and Figure 20, the pattern itself is highlighted in violet, the size of the regex-like pattern in grape, and the regex-like bytes in blue.

The patterns can be represented as Yara rules:

rule Pattern_90_04_example
       $example_90_04_first_rule = { 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 61 72 70 2e 31 38 31 38 [30-39] [30-39] 2e 63 6e 2f 61 72 70 2e 68 74 6d 90 00 }
       $example_90_04_second_rule = { 5c 48 61 70 70 79 [30-39] [30-39] 68 79 74 2e 65 78 65 90 00 }
       $example_90_04_first_rule and $example_90_04_second_rule  

Pattern 90 05 XX YY

The pattern 90 05 XX YY is another placeholder for a regex-like expression, where XX represents the upper bound on the number of bytes that must be found, and YY represents the length of the regex-like pattern. The main difference with 90 04 XX YY is that 90 05 XX YY is case insensitive when dealing with patterns like 90 05 XX 03 61 2D 7A.

An example of the pattern 90 05 XX YY is depicted in Figure 21:

Figure 21: Example of pattern `90 05 XX YY`.

In Figure 21, the pattern is highlighted in blue within a SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT signature for the threat Stration.CC.

Figure 22 shows a PE containing the bytes to trigger the detection:

Figure 22: `Stration.CC` Portable Executable which triggers the detection as `Stration.CC`

As can be seen from figure 22, the expected pattern for the detection is properly reproduced, with uppercase characters from 41 to 5A.

The Yara counterpart for the pattern can be defined as follows:

rule Pattern_90_05_example
       $example_90_05 = "http://[a-zA-Z]{0,64}\\.com/dfrg32\\.exe"

Despite the incorporation of wildcards and complex patterns to enhance flexibility and strength, the fact remains that rules based solely on byte and string matching are relatively easy to bypass. Wildcards were introduced to address this limitation by allowing variations in the byte sequences that the rules match. However, these rules can still be evaded by motivated threat actors who employ techniques to modify or obfuscate byte patterns in ways that avoid detection. Therefore, while wildcard patterns improve the robustness of signature-based detection, they are not a foolproof solution against all evasion techniques.


In this analysis we investigated how MDA manages its signatures, with a focus on PEHSTR and PEHSTR_EXT. Armed with this knowledge, in the context of adversary emulation, we can now write an artifact that triggers a specific detection or we could repurpose a detected artifact to evade a particular signature. Of course a proper emulation goes beyond a pattern based detection, but nevertheless it's an interesting case study to showcase the importance of understanding the internals of security solutions.